
November Meeting: Feed Mechanics

Field Trip 9/30/17

 Delaware State Fair 2017

Dairy Judging Practice June 2017

May Meeting 2017 Learning to Give Injections

April 2017 Hoard's Dairy Judging

March 2017, Reproductive System

December Meeting 2016
Milk Toasts and Taste Testing

2016 Talent Show

November 2016 Meeting
Dairy Judging 

October 2016 Meeting
Embryo Transfers

2016 Window Display

September Meeting 2016
Digestive System Jeopardy

2016 Pool Party

Delaware State Fair 2016
Slice of Summer Fun

April Meeting

2016 Hoard's Dairy Judging 

2016 Spring Dairy Show

Hoof Care 
January 2016


 December meeting
Ear tag ornaments and ice cream making!

Talent Show
 Milk, Our Superhero!

October Meeting:
Nutrition for Dairy calves and cows

 We learned some interesting things about nutrition--some cows have candy in their ration to fulfill their carbohydrate needs!

Window Display

Working on our Window Display

September 16, 2015
 Ice Breakers

Working on Window Display

2014 - 2015
Our First Year